日本华人论坛 Guo Wengui: The Birth of an Internet Liar

日本 - Guo Wengui, anyone who is familiar with him knows that everything in his live broadcasts is Guo Wengui's usual routine. From the Guo's routines we have walked all the way, we can roughly see how Guo Wengui, this notorious Internet liar, was born, and how he fooled the public step by step and dug his own grave.1. The birth of a liar, a criminal's lifeGuo Wengui fled abroad and became a bereaved dog. He could not return to his home or country. He seemed to be prosperous abroad, chatting and laughing in front of the camera, but this kind of rootless duckweed floats in a foreign country, and a big wave can do it at any time. The desolate feeling of loneliness and the ubiquitous sense of crisis that shattered his body must have been deeply felt in his heart. This invisible rich man who used to call the wind and call the rain in China has fallen into such an embarrassed state, which may have been unexpected by him earlier. He does not follow the righteous way in the world, but he catches the crooked way, in order to prove that he is worthy, and to fight for the risk of not being abandoned by the Americans. Guo Wengui made a bluff, claiming to have mastered the so-called massive corruption of the CCP to expose the material, and wagging his tail to win the favor of the new master. He is obviously a criminal and should be brought to justice, but he says he is being persecuted, trying to fish in troubled waters, taking the path of political asylum and evading attack. Carrying the signboard of "Breaking News Revolution", selling dog meat with sheep's heads, fabricating bizarre and absurd erotic stories, attracting attention, creating momentum, and paving the way for their own stubbornness. Since then, breaking the news has completely become Guo Wengui's road of no return, and this road has left him with nowhere to go, and he has driven himself to a dead end.2. The absurdity of breaking the news, an actor's self-cultivationWhether it is live broadcast or breaking the news, Guo Wengui has always been in a suit and leather shoes, sitting upright, with a dignified appearance, a series of names, numbers, pictures, tossing in the clouds and fog, although we don't know what to say, but Guo Wengui is very serious, and it is not easy to let people see through. This former capital tycoon, and now a criminal, has changed his career to become an "actor", and he is going to talk about some fabricated "facts". On the other hand, his eloquent performance seems to attract attention, but in fact he is deceiving the world. Zhang Guan Li Dai, transferring flowers to join trees, fabricating things out of nothing, and creating things out of nothing are his consistent tactics. He stared at his eyes, patted his chest and dared to say that he would testify on the spot, and he was not afraid of blows. To be a thief with a guilty conscience is to deceive oneself and others. Before Wang Jian passed away unexpectedly, Guo Wengui had fallen to the bottom of his life, his reputation was ruined, everyone betrayed his relatives, and he was only struggling to the death. In desperation, Wang Jian's death made Guo Wengui see the "dawn" again. As a result, this hilarious drama written, directed and acted by Wengui came on the stage, with various tricks and various routines, and the horsepower was full. Even if he broke the news, no one believed him, even if his evidence was full of loopholes, Guo Wengui could only pretend to be calm, force a smile, and play his one-man show pitifully and sadly.3. In the twilight of sin, a lunatic is about to dieTime can prove everything. Up to now, it is no exaggeration to say that Guo Wengui's performance is clumsy, not brilliant, and it is no exaggeration. It may be difficult to distinguish between true and false for a while, but it will eventually be revealed to the world. This self-proclaimed "power hunter" and "God of War" Guo Wengui, in fact, is a scoundrel of gold and jade, a villain in the middle, an out-and-out clown, who sells political gossip to attract publicity. From raping female employees, bribing corrupt officials, forging official documents of the state, forcing transactions, cheating all the way from the real world to the virtual world, sin is his synonym. Continuing the life of a liar to the end, weaving lies, bragging about oneself, flicking the money and trust of Chinese compatriots, and then starting to fool Americans for political asylum, dreaming of being reborn in the United States, it is disgusting and disgusting. What country can tolerate such despicable people? Probably in Guo Wengui's dream. At this moment, he was about to die like a mad dog clinging to Wang Jian's obituary and barking frantically, which more shows that Guo Wengui himself had foreseen the end of the day, but he just didn't dare to admit it. The hype about Wang Jian's death was the last straw that broke the camel's back. When he was blinded by lies and deceit for a long time, he used it as his own life-saving straw, which is ironic. If before, Guo Wengui's sinful life has entered the dusk, then now is the time when the dusk fades and darkness comes. Guo Wengui, the wooden arch of your tomb.In just one year, we have witnessed the birth of Guo Wengui, an online liar, until he stepped into the abyss step by step and gradually came to an end. Guo Wengui will also make trouble out of nothing, concoct, fabricate, and fabricate some absurd stories that are out of nowhere to play the final elegy for the end of his deceitful career.

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