标签:guard - 华人论坛


开机显示boot guard verified failed,求解?

机器:未来人类X711-A2-1080, 板号:6-71-P7750-D32, 故障: 进水,进水严重位置芯片为TAS5766DCA ,此芯片为功放,处理完开机显示以下,声音正常。 boot guard verified failed 翻译: 启动保护验...华人论坛


DELL笔记本开机出现“boot guard verified dxe

Dell vostro 15-3559开机出现: boot guard verified DXE that is fail system will shutdown press any key 进不了BIOS也不能进系统,按任意键都会关机,刷BIOS解决 评论 启动程序验证失败的DXE 系统将关机 刷BI...华人论坛


战神换桥(SR2C4)后报boot guard verified dx

神舟战神Z6-SL7D1 6-77-N150RD00-D02A换完pch后就报这个错误, boot guard verified dxe that is fail system will shutdown press any key。bios换了两个,故障一样,有遇到过的吗? 最新情况:刷某宝的工厂bios不...华人论坛