日本电子维修技术 显卡迎接12月 AMD显卡驱动更新Radeon Adrenalin20.11.

Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.11.3 Highlights
Support For
Immortals: Fenyx Rising™Vulkan® Ray Tracing Extensions

Added Vulkan® Support
VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rateThis extension provides the ability to change the shading rate per fragment. This extension allows for multiple pixels to be shaded via a single fragment shader invocation as opposed to the normal rate of one invocation per pixel.VK_KHR_acceleration_structureThis extension provides acceleration structures for representing geometry that is spatially sorted. Acceleration structures are the most common way for quickly identifying potential ray intersections by ray tracing techniques.VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipelineThis extension introduces ray tracing pipelines along with new shader domains and an indirection table to link shader groups with acceleration structures.VK_KHR_ray_queryThis extension introduces ray queries, which can be used by any shader type outside of the optional dedicated ray tracing pipeline to return traversal results to the calling shader.VK_KHR_deferred_host_operationsThis extension defines the infrastructure and usage patterns for deferrable commands, which allows dependent extensions to defer their own operations. The VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations extension itself does not specify any commands as deferrable.VK_KHR_pipeline_libraryThis extension introduces pipeline libraries. A pipeline library is a new special pipeline type that defines a set of pipeline states. It cannot be bound, rather it can be linked into other pipelines.VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocationThis extension indicates support for the SPV_KHR_terminate_invocation SPIR-V extension. The SPIR-V extension introduces a new instruction OpTerminateInvocation that allows a shader invocation to immediately terminate, which provides the behavior required by the GLSL discard statement.

Fixed Issues
Lower than expected performance may be experienced on Radeon™ RX 6000 series graphics products in Watchdogs:® Legion and Dirt™ 5.Lower than expected performance may be experienced on Radeon™ RX 5000/500/400 series graphics products in Godfall™.Godfall™ is not detected or listed in Radeon Software gaming tab.Crysis™ Remastered may experience corruption on character models on Radeon™ RX 6800 Series graphics products.Fixed some intermittent crashes found in Total War™ Saga: Troy and World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands.World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands may fail to launch when DirectX®12 API is selected on Windows®7 system configurations.Fixed some intermittent crashes found in Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War with DirectX® Raytracing enabled.HDR on supported Windows 10 desktops might get disabled when DOOM® Eternal™ starts rendering in HDR mode.Fixed issues found on Adobe™ Illustrator, Adobe™ Premier and FinalWire AIDA64.Fixed corruption issues in Red Dead Redemption 2 in 1080p resolution on Radeon™ RX 6800 Series graphics products.

Known Issues
Brightness flickering may intermittently occur in some games when Radeon™ FreeSync is enabled, and the game is set to use borderless fullscreen.Metro Exodus™, Shadow of the Tomb Raider™, Battlefield™ V and Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare may experience intermittent application crashes with DirectX® Raytracing enabled.Anisotropic Filtering in Radeon™ Software graphics settings is not taking effect in DirectX®9 applications on RDNA graphics products.Some games may experience stuttering when set to borderless fullscreen and an extended display is connected running the Netflix™ windows store application on RDNA graphics products.Radeon™ recording and streaming features may fail to enable on AMD Radeon™ HD 7800 series graphics products.Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.Performance Metrics Overlay and the Performance Tuning tab incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon™ RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.Oculus Link users might experience crashes on Polaris and Vega series graphics products.Flickering might be observed if the Radeon Software Overlay is invoked while Immortals: Fenyx Rising™ is running on an extended display.Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Siege might experience corruption in Hybrid Graphics scenarios when using the Vulkan API on an extended display.Screen flickering might be observed when using MSI Afterburner.


Radeon软件Adrenalin 2020版20.11.3亮点
不朽:Fenyx Rising™Vulkan®射线追踪扩展

VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate此扩展提供了更改每个片段的着色率的功能。此扩展允许通过单个片段着色器调用对多个像素进行着色,而不是每个像素一个调用的正常速率。VK_KHR_acceleration_structure此扩展提供了用于表示按空间排序的几何形状的加速结构。加速结构是通过光线跟踪技术快速识别潜在光线交叉点的最常用方法。VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline此扩展引入了光线跟踪管道以及新的着色器域和间接表,以将着色器组与加速结构链接在一起。VK_KHR_ray_query此扩展引入了光线查询,可选专用光线跟踪管道之外的任何材质球类型都可以使用光线查询,以将遍历结果返回给调用材质球。VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations此扩展定义了可延迟命令的基础结构和使用模式,从而允许从属扩展延迟其自身的操作。 VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations扩展本身并未将任何命令指定为可延迟的。VK_KHR_pipeline_library此扩展引入了管道库。管道库是一种新的特殊管道类型,它定义了一组管道状态。它不能被绑定,而是可以链接到其他管道。VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation此扩展指示对SPV_KHR_terminate_invocation SPIR-V扩展的支持。 SPIR-V扩展引入了一条新指令OpTerminateInvocation,该指令允许着色器调用立即终止,从而提供GLSL丢弃语句所需的行为。

看门狗中的Radeon™RX 6000系列图形产品可能会遇到性能低于预期的情况:®Legion和Dirt™5。在Godfall™中的Radeon™RX 5000/500/400系列图形产品可能会体验到比预期更低的性能。Radeon软件游戏选项卡中未检测到或未列出Godfall™。Crysis™Remastered可能会在Radeon™RX 6800系列图形产品上的角色模型上损坏。修复了《 Total War™Saga:特洛伊》和《魔兽世界®:暗影之地》中发现的一些间歇性崩溃。《魔兽世界》:在Windows®7系统配置中选择DirectX®12API时,Shadowlands可能无法启动。修复了启用了DirectX®光线追踪的《使命召唤®:黑色行动冷战》中发现的一些间歇性崩溃。

当DOOM®Eternal™开始以HDR模式渲染时,受支持的Windows 10桌面上的HDR可能会被禁用。解决了在Adobe™Illustrator,Adobe™Premier和FinalWire AIDA64上发现的问题。修复了Radeon™RX 6800系列图形产品上1080p分辨率的Red Dead Redemption 2中的损坏问题。

启用Radeon™FreeSync并将游戏设置为使用无边框全屏时,某些游戏可能会间歇性地出现亮度闪烁。Metro Exodus™,《古墓丽影》,《战地风云V》和《使命召唤®:现代战争》在启用DirectX®Raytracing的情况下可能会间歇性崩溃。Radeon™软件图形设置中的各向异性过滤在RDNA图形产品上的DirectX®9应用程序中未生效。某些游戏在设置为无边框全屏并且连接了扩展的显示器后,可能会在RDNA图形产品上运行Netflix™Windows Store应用程序时遇到停顿现象。Radeon™录制和流功能可能无法在AMD Radeon™HD 7800系列图形产品上启用。修改HDMI缩放滑块可能会导致FPS锁定为30。Performance Metrics Overlay和Performance Tuning选项卡错误地报告Radeon™RX 5700系列图形产品的闲置时钟速度高于预期。此错误报告不会影响性能和功耗。在某些游戏和系统配置上启用增强同步后,可能会导致黑屏。任何可能在启用“增强同步”时遇到问题的用户都应将其禁用,以作为一种临时解决方法。Oculus Link用户可能会在Polaris和Vega系列图形产品上遇到崩溃。如果在不朽:Fenyx Rising™在扩展显示器上运行时调用Radeon软件叠加,可能会观察到闪烁。在扩展显示上使用Vulkan API时,Tom Clancy的RainbowSix®Siege在混合图形方案中可能会损坏。使用MSI Afterburner时可能会观察到屏幕闪烁。


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