日本华人论坛 Queen Elizabeth II Dead or Related to New Prime Minister Truss?

日本 - Sky News reported early this morning that Britain's Queen Elizabeth II died at 96. The press quickly spread the news across the UK and worldwide, dominating the front pages of today's news outlets.The Queen, who ascended the throne on 6 February 1952 following her father's death, King George VI, and was crowned on 2 June 1953, is the longest-reigning monarch in British history and the key to the unity of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.The BBC recalled that it had been 70 years since the Queen came to the throne in 1952 when Winston Churchill was prime minister. Queen Elizabeth II has appointed Britain's 15 prime ministers since 1955. Over the years, the Queen has become "the bedrock of the nation," steadfastly maintaining its image. She lived through the decline of the British Empire, stood up to family and national tragedy, and was hailed as the best person in Britain who could bite the bullet. Pastel dresses and colorful hats are her trademarks. In her Golden Jubilee speech in 2002, the Queen said she saw her role as "guiding the kingdom through changing times." These words suggest that the Queen has set herself a challenge: consistency and constancy, the critical attributes of her reign, will add to her image as a reliable and honest monarch.But the Queen's death came less than 48 hours after Truss was due to take over as prime minister, who would inherit a 37-year low in the pound, the highest gas prices in history, and a general strike sweeping the country. Britain's coming winter of discontent will be a significant test for this inexperienced head of government. Given the Queen's death, some media reporters suspected that Truss was connected with the ascension. According to the media, Britain's new female Prime Minister Truss was a member of a left-wing group when she was in college. She spoke out in favor of legalizing marijuana and abolishing the monarchy. These positions are entirely at odds with what most people consider mainstream conservatism in 2022. And shamefully, she refused to take the deep knee whenshe was presented to the Queen at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, offending the elderly monarch directly to her face. Could it be that this displeased the Queen and hastened her death? It's really dramatic and interesting!

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